From the Tech Toy Wizard

This site isn’t a technology forum, in fact you will rarely encounter a technical term here.  It’s about the FUN of technology … past, present and future.

The past because great ideas spring from humble beginnings.  Some of our most fun tech toys of today were amazing inventions in their day and whether you remember them with nostalgia or are curious to know more about them Tech Toy Playground reports on them, puts them in perspective and lets you know how they influenced today’s technology, and even posts product reviews on them.

There are a lot of places to get details and even reviews on what’s hot in today’s tech marketplace.  We give you that and more, including how a product fits into the overall scheme of things that affect your life and what kind of influence it will have on future technology development.

The future of course is anybody’s guess and Tech Toy Playground is great at guessing.  Who knows, the next coolest gadget on Earth might be something that you first heard about right here.