Samsung S9C 55” OLED TV

WHAT IS IT:  Organic self-emitting pixel display TV with curved screen.

NEW, FUTURE or RETRO:  Brand new


HOW GOOD IS IT:  This product is just coming to market and has not been tested yet by Tech Toy Playground (there are no other reviews yet posted to Samsung's website).  From initial indications this will be THE television to knock the socks off your friends and neighbors.  From the first glance everyone will know it is different owing to the curved screen like you find in the fancier movie theaters.  Curved screens are possible with OLED displays (remember the predictions of roll-up TV's?) and the technology has been in development for many years.  The first OLED commercially sold was the Sony XEL-1 back in late 2007 which had an 11" screen and sold for about $2500.  They only made about 1000 of them.  Larger sizes were predicted but manufacturer's were hampered with major challenges when they tried to crank out larger sizes.