Watch for our upcoming Dash Cam review

You've seen the viral videos of Russian dash cams - from plane crashes, meteor strikes to amazing car crashes. It seems everyone in Russia has a dash cam.

They're not as popular in the United States ... yet, but Tech Toy Wizard predicts this to be the next hot holiday product for 2014 - 2015.

Dash cams, sometimes known as automobile black boxes, are starting to catch on and costs are coming down. No longer just a digital video camera, the latest versions feature GPS (so you can know your exact coordinates at the time of an incident), G-Sensors, front and rear facing cameras (for proof you were wearing a seat belt, for example), even motion sensors while your car is parked so you can record the perp in action.

There are dozens of cheap models being sold but as always you get what you pay for. The Tech Toy Playground will look at a handful of premium cams with all the bells and whistles and help you find the one that's just right for you.

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